Why an Inflatable Paddleboard May be Right for You!

We sell both Inflatable and Hard Stand Up Paddleboards (SUPs) at The Muskoka Store and like both for different reasons. However, we have really been loving our Inflatables lately and feel they are somewhat misunderstood.
For example, a common misconception is that hard boards are more durable than inflatables. However, it is widely agreed upon in the industry that inflatable boards are more durable because they are made from extremely strong materials (some companies quote "military grade") that are not susceptible to scratches, dents or holes. Inflatables are also lightweight and made of flexible materials, so they bounce off things in a way hard boards don't.
Some other Pros of Inflatables are:
- Inflatables are lighter — this not only means more comfort when carrying, but also, some argue, "a lighter board is more convenient, hence gets more use". (We like the argument.)
- Inflatables can be checked in on an airplane for travel.
- Inflatables take up less space.
- A softer material means that if you fall when paddling, it may cushion your fall (whereas a hard board will not).
- Inflatables are generally more stable (when paddling) because of the difference in rail construction.
These are some quick tips on Inflatable Paddleboards that we thought would be useful to you. It's not meant to be a comprehensive guide. But if you do have more questions, send us an email or call the store! We're always happy to help!
In the meantime, check out our Stand On Liquid selection here!